Cycling Boston to Cleveland

Biking Boston to Cleveland. We’re currently on day five riding the Erie Canal Bike Path. It’s stunning and a true joy to ride this well-maintained route. We’re averaging 85 miles a day. Yesterday we did 105.
Why am I doing this? A practice of radical self reliance. A focus on self care. True freedom. Realizing how little we actually need. Endorphin rushes. Time to think. Breathwork. Commitment. The closest to feeing like a cowboy. Increasing my levels of patience, tolerance for pain and threshold for discomfort. Oh, and getting to eat everything I want without guilt!
At a campground we stayed at in Greylock we saw people driving from their campsite to the bathrooms and I laughed my ass off. People can become lazy because their culture enables them. I’m not a genetic freak with abnormal physical abilities, just a normal dude. I believe in stressing the organism and resisting comfort. Eustress is healthy stress. It’s better to create and manage your own hell so you can handle when others give it to you.
Strength comes from the mind. You can do anything you want to if you let yourself. Through intention, hard work, discipline, persistence and patience I have created the exact life for myself with ultimate freedom. No debt, no boss, little ownership, my passion is my career and I thankfully have a healthy enough body to do nearly anything with. I also don’t believe in backup plans and go all in with everything I do. Enough for now, I got hills to climb. ✌🏽

Day 1: Sunday 8/30 – Boston to Barre, Ma – 59.1 mi, 2,792 ft

Day 2: Monday 8/31 – Barre, Ma to Mt. Greylock, Ma – 88.4 mi, 6,132 ft

Day 3: Monday 9/1 – Mt. Greylock, MA to Schenectady, NY
74.5 mi, 2,851 ft

Day 4: Wednesday 9/2 – Schenectady, NY to Rome, NY
105.5 mi, 1,485 ft

Day 5: Thursday 9/3 – Rome, NY to Montezuma, NY
82 mi, 1,440 ft

Day 6: Friday 9/4 – Montezuma, NY to Hilton, NY
12.3 mi, 436 ft

Day 7: Friday 9/5 – Hilton, NY to Lake Erie Beach, NY
57.7 mi, 1,165 ft, 5:09:46

Day 8: Friday 9/6 – Lake Erie Beach, NY to Lake Erie, PA/Presque Isle, 96.98mi, 2,001ft, 7:33:04


Day 9: Monday 9/7 Erie, PA/Presque Isle to Cleveland, OH
113.98 mi, 2,949 ft, 9:44:53

Day 10: Tuesday 9/8 Cleveland Victory Lap
23.88mi, 561ft, 2:49:35

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