Burning Man & The Prairie of Possibilities
What a year it has been. As I move swiftly into the next year of living, I have spent a lot of time reflecting and appreciating. From the jubilant to the more harrowing emotional, spiritual and physical challenges I have endured over the 38 years of life, I cherish all the moments. Daily, I give thanks for my ability to breathe, walk and express myself authentically.
As I continue to decompress from Burning Man, I reflect on the deep connections I had with strangers around the world to create the biggest and most stunning interactive art piece I’ve ever been apart of. The Prairie of Possibilities was assembled in the dark hours of the late night and early mornings to avoid the intense, relentless heat and viscous dust storms. I am still in awe of what we created. People loved it so much that there was a wedding in the center cuddle puddle. After 2 1/2 weeks on playa, I embraced the scene a change with gravitas and levity.
This burn had endless synchronicities, healing playfulness, improv soul jamming, weird games, dismantled comfort zones, intense burnout, stunning sunrises, spontaneous love bombs, sharing ubiquitous awe with strangers, and fortified connections with people I love. There were many moments inside moments that opened up my heart and allowed me to see how when we come together in heart opening ways, we can make this world people centered with love as an abundant energy currency. My spirit danced ecstatically into the sunset of each day.
Between my birthday, reaching a new level in my career, Burning Man, Ragbrai, Firefly, Love Burn, following King Gizzard around on tour, endless camping, bike tours and cultivating love in new ways, this year would have made both of my parents very proud.