Creative Mornings Feature!
Today, I was featured on the Creative Mornings Profile on their newsletter as well as the homepage. I couldn’t be happier that they decided to promote my work! I got a message from my friend Kenny on Instagram who first told me about it. Happy to say, it was the best news to hear upon waking up on a Friday morning!
I have attended numerous events that Creative Mornings puts on. Just this morning I sat in on a remote session “Produce Your Own Podcast with Jay Clouse” and learned so much. Why did I participate? You guessed it, Ben Gebo is coming out with a new podcast in May. You heard it here first!
If you are creative, or creative adjacent, I couldn’t recommend going to one of their sessions. It’s a great way to meet new people and get embedded into the creative community in your city. Not to mention, their events are free! A funny note, on the Creative Mornings home page there is a pictures with dude in a blue shirt from behind who looks EXACTLY like me. Is it me? I will let you decide. Stay safe and wash your hands!
– Ben