It’s been awhile since I last had a post. Much has happened up to know. I saw Gregory Crewdson at Mass Art about three weeks ago. He talked a lot about his images and what brought him to the big budgeted sets he works with today. It was good to learn about how that came to be, but I felt it was a little disheartening to hear that he doesn’t even like to use the camera, he just wants to capture a specific shot. He also spends around a year on a single image…just on post production. It was a decent lecture, but didn’t walk out there with anything I could apply to my own work. Too bad.

While I’m on the subject, tonight I saw Annie Leibovitz give a speech at Harvard. She was promoting her new book “Annie Leibovitz: At Work.” She basically went through her whole book. She talked about how it started out as a collection of images she’s never been known for, then transformed it into 150+ images of a mixed variety. It gave me a new appreciation for how hard-working and talented this woman is. Her talks were entertaining and it’s always really interesting to hear about how she deals with her subjects, no matter who they may be.


For current work, you can visit my new images in my portfolio. I am doing work on entertainers in the area. I am shooting musicians, artists, comedians, poets, porn stars, dancers, etc. It’s going well and I’m trying to shoot them in their natural element. Take a look and give me some feedback as to what you think. I’ll take a gander at your new work if you have some and I’ll do the same.

Alright, that’s it for me, have a wonderful Turkey Day and don’t fill up too much on some of that ol’ pumpkin pie!

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Commercial and Editorial photographer.