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  • Photo Exercise #1: Chinatown/Theater District(Stuff Magazine Revisited)

    Last night I gave myself an assignment shooting with a somewhat easy objective and a set time limit. This idea was to allow you to just create pictures instead of worrying about shooting portfolio-caliber work. If you decide to do one of these exercises on a late night whim, all the better. Last night my…

  • All Up In Florida

    After still going through my archives to find work that’s lost subjectivity, so I can look at it as something new, I thought I would compile a mini-portfolio of my visits to Florida. Having not seen photographs taken from a year or more ago, or even just a half-year, it dissolves your connection with it.…

  • New Inspirations, New Work

    I am just finishing up some work for an Interior Designer I’ve been working with, Kristine Mullaney. Anything regarding interior design, this is the person to talk to. She does a range of customized interiors with a unique variety and always keeps her design classy. If you want to see some of her work, take…