• china

    I recently returned from a trip to Guangzhou, China. I was there for two weeks doing commissioned work shooting portraits, but also used the time…

  • Indobox Photo Shoot, Website Launch Party

    There’s a lot of things happening this month. I am currently working with Boston-based Architect Diane Lim(Lim Design Studio) on various projects throughout the city.…

  • Centrailia, Pennsylvania

    In mid-June, I head out on a road trip across the country to document America. My initial intention was to “diagnose America”, which I realized gave me…

  • Colorado, New Site Mockup

    I’ve taken a few trips to Colorado recently over the last half-year for work and otherwise, so I thought I would show some of my…

  • Possibilities in Limitation

    I am currently benefiting from a change of environment and atmosphere. I am writing this while driving through Omaha, Nebraska en route to Boulder, Colorado.…