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  • colloquy magazine, fall ’12

    I had the pleasure to work with some inspiring people in the latest issue of Colloquy magazine. Scott Lee has done fascinating things since his 2003 graduation, mostly focusing on South African and Indian community health, although he does place interest in US healthcare. His work centers around engaging communities to operate more safely and…

  • sandoval ranch & vineyard

    When I was in California, I made the trek up to Santa Barbara. I shot portraits of Dan and Arielle, a musical duo based in LA. You can see pictures from that shoot in my last post. I also documented what goes into making such delicious wine at Sandoval Vineyard. I now have a new…

  • Dan & Arielle in California

    The end of October through mid-November has had me on the road nonstop. After traveling throughout New England, I spent a few weeks away on various portrait shoots in Los Angeles, Brooklyn and Florida back to back to back. Once I arrived home, I had 6 straight days of shooting, only to be followed by…

  • Colloquy Magazine, Summer 2012, HGTV Magazine

    I was recently published in the Summer edition of Colloquy Magazine. I photographed three students all working on a documentary film with a similar theme, the theme being industrial decline. Fascinating topic and something I think anyone with a camera is naturally drawn to. Both still and video, cameras are created to tangetize(real word?) a…

  • Ivy & Piper Magazine

    I was just recently published in Ivy & Piper, an Australian Interior Design magazine. I shot this home for Annsley Interiors when she completed the project recently. This is the first time my residential interior photography made a cover and I couldn’t be more pleased. It was a light and airy summer home where you wanted…

  • Glovebox Guest Blog, New Shoot Preview

    I recently wrote a guest blog post for Glovebox. It’s about Design Museum Boston and their newest exhibit called “Getting There” in South Boston. It’s about, well no, just read it. I’m just here to relay the message. Check out the rest of their website, it’s a great resource for artists. In the meantime, take…

  • Colloquy Magazine April ’12

    In April I shot my first assignment for Colloquy. It’s the alumni magazine for Harvard’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. I shoot people, I shoot places, I love shooting people in places. The location itself is a subject, but people respond strongest when another human being is present in the photo. Photography creates tangible…

  • Lisa Moise Album Artwork

    This week singer Lisa Moise launched her new album Boite De Chocolat. The album photography was a collaborative effort between my friend and all-around good guy Michael Connors and myself. We shot all of the photos for the album in Lynn, MA in January of this year. It was a fun, successful shoot and Lisa…

  • Lifestyle Photo Shoot With Miss New Jersey USA 2012

    At heart, I am a minimalist. I frequently toss away things I own if I haven’t touched them in a year or longer. Too much clutter in life, as well as in the brain, is a burden a lot of people carry unknowingly. It’s important to take an honest inventory of your belongings, your gear,…

  • An Inviting Cambridge Residence

    This Cambridge home looked modest from the outside, but inside popped with a vibrant life. This house had beautiful wooden floors, both upstairs and down, which added a comfortable feel and helped accentuate some of it’s more modern delights. The colorful artwork in every room and hallway gave the space flavor and the white walls…

  • Nikon D800

    For anyone that hasn’t heard, there is a new breed of camera coming out and it’s called the Nikon D800. It has a full-frame FX-format sensor with 36.3 megapixels and a 7360 x 4912 resolution, which is more than twice the pixel density of the newly unveiled D4. The back screen is a 3.2″, 921,000-dot LCD monitor.…

  • BSA Space IN FORM

    On February 9th, I was able to visit the new location of Boston Society of Architects on Congress Street in downtown Boston. I documented the IN FORM exhibit which was officially opened to the public with a kick off event. From the street, you can see the giant green stairs designed by Howeler + Yoon Architecture.…

  • St. Marie, Montana: A Post-Apocalyptic Suburban Purgatory

    St. Marie, Montana. This is a small town in Valley County in the northern part of the state. It’s another piece of forgotten American history that outside eyes rarely see. It was the home of a working Air Force base back in the 1950’s, but since then has been decommissioned. Although there are still almost…

  • A Modern and Welcoming Medford Home

    I recently photographed a Medford home for Hampshire House Design. The entire shoot was done in one day and was fueled by collaboration, coffee, and background music from Miles Davis. We were aiming to get straight architectural photographs of each room as well as details throughout the house. We needed to get shots in the…

  • Say Something Poster Project Judging Process

    The Say Something Poster Project is in its second year. The project is designed to stimulate the minds of young people with creative, witty, and visually interesting posters created by up-and-coming and established graphic designers. Last year, the top twenty winners’ posters were placed in the Home For Little Wanderers in Roslindale, MA. The younger…

  • Sweet Cupcakes

    A cupcake store is hardly the worst environment for taking photographs. These sugar dense, nutrient lacking cupcakes are conducive to permagrins from a cold hard sugar shock you’re vaulted into after sucking back three of these exceptionally designed cake chunks. I worked in a bakery when I was younger, I remember Day One. We were allowed to “test”…

  • Indobox Photo Shoot, Website Launch Party

    There’s a lot of things happening this month. I am currently working with Boston-based Architect Diane Lim(Lim Design Studio) on various projects throughout the city. I recently photographed the newly opened Sweet Cupcakes on School Street downtown for her. Those pictures will most likely be in my next post. She was the architect who also…

  • Hi-Rise Bakery, Cambridge

    I recently worked with PRE-CON Construction a few weeks ago. A project they recently completed was the the Hi-Rise Bakery Cafe, second of two locations in Cambridge. It was a complete remodeling with a unique design for a Cafe, take a look at the wooden ceilings. I also love the table and chair design. The…

  • Cemeteries, Boston Globe Magazine

    A few weeks ago I went to take pictures with Courtney at Mt. Auburn Cemetery right before peak Fall colors kicked in. Perfect day and perfect location; a place I’ve been meaning to shoot at for some time. We headed to Harvard Square as the night set in and finished the shoot at the Goorin…

  • Centrailia, Pennsylvania

    In mid-June, I head out on a road trip across the country to document America. My initial intention was to “diagnose America”, which I realized gave me an instant negative stance in the way I was going to view things. I realized that would be a too obvious of an approach. So I asked myself, “Why not…

  • Crush Nova Shoot and Roadtrip

    Last weekend I worked with a band called Crush Nova, who did a set at the 2011 Boston Pride. It was weather-wise a dismal day, but we were able to make some photographs inside the City Hall Plaza, something I wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to do.

  • Photo Exercise #2: Newbury Street

    This week’s assignment was giving ourselves one hour to produce six images on Newbury Street during a weeknight. Being the first real night of the year that felt like summer, taking pictures got me especially anxious, even considering I was on a shoot for 8 hours all day already, with little sleep the night before.…

  • Stills From A Video Production

    Last week I had the experience to take stills during a video production for food photographer and educator Gary Tardiff. He wanted an opening video for his website to show how he works his magic in studio. I had the experience to work with Richard Klug, who directed, and Richard Shultz, who was assistant director. It was…

  • Photo Exercise #1: Chinatown/Theater District(Stuff Magazine Revisited)

    Last night I gave myself an assignment shooting with a somewhat easy objective and a set time limit. This idea was to allow you to just create pictures instead of worrying about shooting portfolio-caliber work. If you decide to do one of these exercises on a late night whim, all the better. Last night my…

  • All Up In Florida

    After still going through my archives to find work that’s lost subjectivity, so I can look at it as something new, I thought I would compile a mini-portfolio of my visits to Florida. Having not seen photographs taken from a year or more ago, or even just a half-year, it dissolves your connection with it.…

  • Colorado, New Site Mockup

    I’ve taken a few trips to Colorado recently over the last half-year for work and otherwise, so I thought I would show some of my favorites pictures. There’s one shot with some fellas on a mountain, I’m the one in the middle. I also posted a full resolution panorama that’s 360° from the top of the mountain,…

  • Pre-con Construction

    I recently did some work with Pre-con Construction, based out of Boston. It’s a company that does historical restorations, residential and office renovations, as well as many other kinds of construction. It was a long, but fun project to work with them as well as Visual Dialogue, who created the website. I’ve posted some photographs…

  • New Portraits, Website On The Way

    In about a month or less, I’ll have an entirely new website with a new interface. Brought to you by the crafty hands of Donovan Brien and Matthew Budelman. Both have been working very quickly and diligently in getting me this amazing new site, I can’t wait to share it. I’ve accumulated quite a bit of photographs…

  • Possibilities in Limitation

    I am currently benefiting from a change of environment and atmosphere. I am writing this while driving through Omaha, Nebraska en route to Boulder, Colorado. Three nights prior to this one, which just so happened to be my 26th birthday, I spoke at an event called Pecha Kucha and discussed my experiences of overcoming creative…

  • Stuff Magazine’s One Night In Boston

    I was recently selected to be a photographer for the yearly issue of Stuff Magazine called “One Night In Boston”. It is an incredibly fun shoot where each photographer(I think there were about fifteen this year) is assigned a specific area in in and around Boston and photograph it. There aren’t any rules, requirements or…

  • Published in Jazzit Magazine

    I recently worked with guitarist and film scorer Massimo Sami. He’s a very talented musician and a lot of fun to work with. Jazzit is an Italian magazine, so don’t try to strain your eyes to read the text as it’s in Italian.

  • Keep Your Camera On You

    One of the reasons photography fascinates me is because the field is always changing. There are always new trends that come into the photo world, much like music, fashion, anything else, really. I think it’s just a natural cycle all art forms encounter. I think the key to being a good photographer is to shoot…

  • British Airways Contest – My England and France Trip

    Europe was the bee’s knees. The only issue about going there was that I wanted to also travel to other countries that I’ve always wanted to go to once I set foot. I have a lot of stories to tell, but I’ll just give the lowdown. The purpose of this trip was to shoot a…

  • Business Practices, British Airways, The Wine Bottega

    I’ve always had the internal debate on what photography is, methodically. If we capture a candid moment out of being in the right place at the right time, is that the same thing as constructing a visually stimulating photograph with complete creative control? I think a good photographer has to know both and of course…

  • Stuff Magazine and Staying Motivated

    I find myself getting inspired from everything around me. People. Shapes. Color. The world is your playground, why not use it for any and all photographic purposes as well? I find that to maintain a connection to your creative self, you need incorporate a delicate balance of work and play with what you love to…

  • Chicago and The Everyone Festival

    I just returned from Chicago for some work/fun. I love that city, there’s always so much going on and so little time to accomplish it all. I was able to meet with some old friends to attend “The Everyone Festival.” It essentially was a recollection of old friends in Wicker Park, throwing a party with…

  • The B(oNE) Show, Emerge and g2o Spa/Salon, New Things

    I recently attended the B(oNE) Show which was held at Mass Art on June 11th (I know, a month late). This is a yearly event that showcases numerous pieces from a Graphic Design competition by the AIGA Boston. I helped with shooting events and the catalog. It was a rewarding experience and worked with some…

  • New Inspirations, New Work

    I am just finishing up some work for an Interior Designer I’ve been working with, Kristine Mullaney. Anything regarding interior design, this is the person to talk to. She does a range of customized interiors with a unique variety and always keeps her design classy. If you want to see some of her work, take…

  • Gary Land, Drobo, Copley Society of Art

    Drobo purchased. I just got in a  4TB Drobo system. I had a shoot yesterday morning and when I got home, I had to move 10GB of images from one drive to another before I could load my images. I do not have a good archiving system, but I caught wind of the Drobo and made…

  • Nikon D700, Photographer Jon Woolf

    I’ve been traveling all over the place, even though my ties have kept me restrained in Boston mostly. I recently went to New York to shoot the band DeVotchKa last weekend, that was a blast. It was a great show and I got a lot of good pictures, take a look at my website(www.bengebo.com). I…

  • Site Update, Inspirational Photographers

    Hey there in Blogger world, I’m in sunny Florida for a little R&R from the stress of school and from the 1+ feet of snow in Boston. I just wanted to throw up a quick post and say my website is revamped with an html option, so check it if you get a chance. Also,…

  • It’s Cold! Entertainers! Crewdson! Leibovitz!

    It’s been awhile since I last had a post. Much has happened up to know. I saw Gregory Crewdson at Mass Art about three weeks ago. He talked a lot about his images and what brought him to the big budgeted sets he works with today. It was good to learn about how that came…

  • Published/Nikon D700/Photoshop CS4

    Hello everyone out there in Blogger world, how’s your Thursday? It’s a beautiful Autumn afternoon here in Boston. This is my last free week before things will get really busy. I have a lot of projects ahead, like everyone else I’m sure. Anyways, just wanted to touch upon the photography world by discussing new tech…

  • Louisville/Sigur Ros/Destruction

    Howdy, friends! I got back from Louisville, Kentucky a few days ago. The day after I arrived the city caught a nasty windstorm left over from Ike. The winds were insane and everyone was without power, road access, etc. A lot of destruction there. It was one of the worst storms the state has ever…

  • Camp Bisco

    Howdy do, friends. Sorry about not posting anything lately, I have been uber busy with school work, moving, traveling, etc. This summer has been packed to say the least. Every weekend for the past month and a half I have traveled somewhere. Anyways, I will try to get a post up AT LEAST every two…

  • Another Post, Another Toast

    A lot of things have been brewing lately. I’ve had a lot of projects that I’ve completed, others I’ve started, others I’m procrastinating. I have some new ideas, but they need a lot of premeditation and thought. It’s really inspiring to watch other friends’ work and help apply it to your own. What’s funny about…

  • Trouble During Night Photography Shoot

    So my friend Kendra and I wanted to go nightshooting. Her, for some self-portraits, and I for some non-urban night photography. I had it all planned out to where we should go. Somerville, Malden, over to some Reservoir’s in the area, then maybe to Lynn or somewhere near the coast? All sounds great. We got…

  • First one!

    First blog! Hello everyone out there in internet world, I’m here to jump into the blog pool, everyone tells me it’s warm. Let me just state that I’m a photographer from Boston, Massachusetts and am basically going to use this Blog as a way to show my current projects and artwork to get critiques and feedback…

  • china

  • dig boston